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SUNplicity’ s last news
Luther Krueger’s interview
✨Luther Krueger, founder of the Solar Cooking Museum (Minneapolis, USA) did a long interview during which he presented numerous ovens, his favorite being the SUNplicity ! ✨
The incredible solar cooker by Alain Bivas
✨NEW✨foldable solar oven model, even more durable !
Report of France 3
Report of France 3 Occitania by the journalist Alain Sabatier on August 28th on “ the informal days of solar cooking” in Lodève..

Visit of Mr Luther Krueger !
Visit of Mr Luther Krueger, world specialist in solar cooking.
He came from Minnesota USA where he founded the first solar cooking museum : The Big Blue Sun Museum Of Solar Cooking. It is a living museum with a neighborhood brunch every Saturday.
Luther considers the SUNplicity to be the most portable among powerful solar cookers, and the most powerful among portable solar cookers.
The foldable deep parabolic solar cooker by Alain Bivas
Among the few parabolic cookers available, the deep SUNplicity is a major leap, allowing anyone to enjoy delicious solar cooking, anywhere, safely, with minimal tending and and no skills necessary. The SUNplicity solar cooker allows a wide variety of dishes and cooking style from grill to stewing or oven. veggies, chicken, sausages, quiche, bread, cakes, bbq meats, baked potatoes etc…
The cooking time takes a little longer than conventionnal cooking This enhences flavor and protects vitamins; there is no sticking or burning at the bottom of the pan.
The poPOP
The foldable solar cooker.
Because the mirror remains cold at all time whatever may fall on it won’t dry or cook. This allows easy cleaning with a soft sponge.
The SUNplicity Parabolic Cooker is hand crafted in France with high quality materials, which are healthy and made to last, selected for minimal impact on the environnement.
- RWith an empty pan, the temperature quickly rises to 230°C or 446°F, in less than 10 min.
- RWith the deep parabola the heat is spread around and will cook without burning or sticking to the pot.
- RAdd 15 min. or more per hour of usual cooking time.
- R1 liter of water takes ½ an hour to boil.
- RFor best efficiency a nice blue sky is needed.
- RAs part of the cooker there is a unique target which helps you aim the cooker and estimate cooking time.

- RThe mirror remains cold at all times, only the pot gets hot.
- RIn case of sudden wind, the mirror can tilt, leaving the pot safely stable.
- RThe bottom of the frame is designed to recieve a weight or heavy object to secure stability.
- RThe cooker is designed to be managed from behind, in the shade. There is no need to look at the sun.
Lépine Competition
Alain Bivas won the gold medal at the Lépine competition ten years ago for creating a solar cooker. Since then, his invention, entirely
handmade in France, has travelled the world.
With no energy consumption and no risk of fire, the solar cooker created by Alain Bivas is an invention of the future. With its parabolic shape, it cooks food by reflecting the sun’s heat. Its inventor named it Sunplicity. Awarded a gold medal at the Lépine competition ten years ago, this solar oven is produced in the Tarn region of France, in a workshop that employs people with disabilities.
Ecology, but also taste.
“All reasons are good to solar cook, there is not only global warming, there is also smokless and offers economy, autonomy, independence. And then, there is the taste, it is good! “says Alain Bivas. His invention is becoming more and more successful in France, and even around the world : orders are coming in from Australia, Asia and the United States. For the time being, the manufacturing process remains traditional.
(Publication: NOVEMBER 2021)
Solar Impulse label
The SUNplicity parabolic solar cooker is proud to receive the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label.
The objective of the Solar Impulse Foundation is to select and promote 1000 economically viable solutions to protect the environment worldwide.
This label is awarded to innovations that combine technical feasibility criteria, positive socio-environmental impact and economic profitability.

Info, news, events…
Solar Cookers International at COP24
A Ugandan government minister has just acquired a SUNplicity from Alan Bigelow, our Solar Cooking Ambassador to the UN
at the COP 25
The international conference on climate, or the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25), started this Monday, December 2 in Madrid, with SUNplicity and its ecological solar cooker, without carbon waste, manufactured in France.
The SUNplicity solar cooker, the revolutionary invention of Alain Bivas
Discover the principle of the folding solar deep parabolic, a revolutionary invention for cooking any type of food with no other energy than the sun, and which fits in a small case.
Contact Alain Bivas directly!
Would you like to learn more about the solar cooker or buy one ? Contact Alain Bivas directly !

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